White Light // White Heat (Italy) – Review ‚When Night Falls‘
WL//WH Video Of The Day: CØLDSTAR ‚When Night Falls‘
CØLDSTAR is a sci-fi Synth-Pop duo from Switzerland made up of Martin Baumann and Michael Freund, whose signature danceable melancholic soundscapes of vintage analogue synthesizers and vocoders from bygone eras, infused with a space-age sheen, can be heard in the Official Visualizer, “When Night Falls”, the first single since last April’s EP “Coming Home” via Zoey Records.
The quiet, stirring beauty of a star-filled night sky rouses warm icy twinkling synths, marching, pulsing drum beats, light trembling bass glows, and pinpoint poignant oscillations, to uplift profoundly romantic heartfelt longings and last moving vocoded melancholy, into the unrestrained expansive comfort of an infinite celestial heaven.
An official space-themed visualizer builds a surreal astronaut fantasy, blending depth-defying auras of streaming constellations and curious dueling landscapes to sync seamlessly with the otherworldly vibes of the soundtrack. Ethereal vibrant spring flowers float weightlessly beneath an intimate reflection, whilst intoxicating overlays of flying through the starry outer limits manifest the fanciful moods of the lyrics. A perfect escape from the sweltering dog days of summer heat.